Hoskin Scientific:
Pressure Sensor Specialists
Supplying a wide variety of pressure sensors types,
for ANY type of application.
No One Makes Transducers Like Kulite
As a worldwide innovator and leader, Kulite has both the vision and expertise to create transducers and pressure scanners for a myriad of industries, applications and environmental conditions.
An easily-accessible online Product Advisor helps customers find the correct transducer and serves as a launching pad for the customization and development of products.
BD|Sensors Enhances its Pressure Transmitter Range
Robust, precise and with versatile uses: The new pressure transmitter DMK 387 makes it possible to measure pressures and fill levels reliably even in small vessels and a range of different media.
Our Instrumentation Department focuses on a wide range of products including, transducers and transmitters, data acquisitions and loggers, signal conditioners and indicators, microscopes, scanning electron microscopes (SEM), xray CT/scanning systems, coordinate measurement machines (CMM), optical camera systems, automation sensors and automated measurement systems. We have technical sales associates that are trained in various areas and willing to help you with your instrumentation requirements.